Ready to Takeoff . . .

Algo Trading. No Emotions. Just Gains

Why Algorithmic Trading?

It’s intelligent, simple to use and works 24/7!


Speed is essential when trading. Our servers have virtually ZERO ping with a gigabit connection. This means instant transactions.


Eliminate your worst enemy. Say goodbye to impulsive trading decisions that end up costing your account.


With numerous options to fit your trading style, our trading platform allows you to trade traditionally or automatically.

What you get?

Leading edge trading features to trade wherever you are.

Cloud Windows Desktop

Get remote access through Secure VPN to our top-tier servers from any of your devices.

Trading Platform

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, there are a variety of tools available to help you get started.

Artificial Intelligent AI

Your trading just got an upgrade! With A-Stock Trading, you are provided with rational algos.

How Algo-Trading Works

Secure connect. Run Application. Trade

Secure VPN Connection

Connect securely through encrypted channel to your Remote Desktop with the most encrypted data transfer to ensure privacy to all your data.

Remote Windows Desktop

We provide a cloud remote Desktop that is always ON and you can connect to it from any device. Your physical device my fail but our Remote desktop is always on and trading for you 24/7.

Data and Application Backup

With our Remote Desktop you can have all your emails, applications and data that you have on your existing desktop and in case your physical system fails you will always have the remote one working anywhere you are.

Trading App

We provide with an Intelligent Trading Application connected to real time Data Feeds so you can trade fast and efficient while giving your an nonparallel trading experience. With infinite options you can trade smarter than anyone.

Always Ready to Trade

Four reasons to start









The only trading platform that is capable to improve your trading with predictable algo-trading experience.

Control and drive your trading to extreme returns with leading edge trading platform.

Our Simple
Straight-Forward Pricing

We make it simple. Pay per use. Start at … $2 per month guranteed and have your PC in the cloud.

Remote Desktop



/ per month

  • 100GB Storage (+$1/100GB)
  • 1GB Bandwidth (+$1/10GB)
  • VPN Secure connection
  • Backup & Restore

+ Trading App



/ per month

  • Trading platform Integration
  • Trading Application
  • Trading algorithms
  • Demo Data Feed

+ Data Feed Real-Time



/ per month

  • Real-time Data Feed
  • Large Data Cube
  • Detailed stock trading info
  • Instant Auto Load
  • Smart Data Filter

Our Users Love Our Remote Desktop Algo-Trading System!

This is what I always wanted. To have a clone of my desktop in the cloud so if my laptop fails for any reason I can still have it in the cloud working just the same. Having the Trading app is just a bonus for me.

Nice ApplicationAlissa Peterson

I’m trading since I was 17 and this is by far the most ingenious trading platform that combines desktop backup and trading application with feeds and 24/7 trading. WOW … I’m impressed how cheap it is.

Great SupportAnna Clarck

I just hoped that I could have had this platform when I started trading as everything began to move faster and better with this platform. I’m simply making money when I’m having a coffee or watching a movie. I’m making money 24/7. Thanks.

Awesome FeaturesOlindra Gotham

I played with various Algo-Trading platforms, yet all of them seem to be so expensive and hard to make your own algorithm. With this one I could do it in 10 minutes and it makes good return around the clock. I live 6 months in Florida and 6 months in Vancouver and this platform make money for me when I’m on a beach , in the airplane or having fun. Once you make your first smart algorithmic trading script then you can see the power of this system. Keep up the great work and thanks for building such a smart trading system that makes me money 24/7. Before having this system I had an application on my computer and during the day I had a power failure and lost over $5.700 in less than an hour. I was furious and I looked for another algo-trading cloud platform and this one came up. Since then I’m like a kink of trading and once in a while I’m building more branches for my trading algorithm to improve performance and return. I simply love it.

Fast & FuriousMichael Anderson

I don’t like to post testimonials, but these guys deserve my time. I was not a trader I simply wanted to have my PC in the cloud and now I’m doing trading and I had no idea about trading. Their platform simplicity helped me to make an algo-trading and then from there on was just a nice learning curve and profit making. You guys changed my life, as now I’m staying home and make 4 times more money that I was making at my work place.

Gorgeous DesignTema Osborn

I’m a professional trader for over 25 years and this platform is one of the best platforms I’ve been using so far. I’m working with a few other platforms, though this one became my preferred one as I can do everything else that I could do with the other 3 platforms combined and I can do it automatically based on algo-trading. I learned how to do my first algo-trading from their examples and their online help. So simple and yet so powerful when it comes to do real-trading with hundreds of conditions fulfilled in fractions of seconds. I also have my cloned personal computer in the cloud so if there is a power outage I can simply remote in fro my cell phone or tablet.
Unbelievable powerful algo-trading platform. I feel like Supper Man Trader. Thanks for this wonderful designed and built trading platform.

Life ChangerJames Cameroon

Download Our App Now

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